The bird stood on the edge alone, And shuddered at the thought, Of flying away, without support, What if he were to fall off? He remembered what his peers had said, "Your wings are too tiny, they cannot bear Your weight, oh, poor dear, You wouldn't last two seconds in air!" He turned around and looked at dad, Surely he'd have something to say, Daddy shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Chum, I'm sorry, you need to find your own way!" Tears welling up, he ran to mom, She gave him a half-hearted nod, With doubtful eyes, she let out a sigh, And he could tell, she wasn't too proud... He went up to bro, surely he would know, But bro was too busy to hear, And so birdie walked off, with a heavy heart, Filled with insecurity and fear... And little birdie stood alone on the edge, And dared not, step off the ledge, The poor little bird that couldn't fly, How I wish you had let him try!!!
Epic College Love Stories – 5: Sayoni beckons
4 months ago
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